Complexity is the bane of all network security teams, and they will attest that the more dashboards, screens, and manual integration which they must juggle, the slower their response time. It need not be complex, it need not be disjointed, nor does it need to require adroitness in the art of juggling.

Your network makes engagement with customers, suppliers, and your workforce possible and must include a comprehensive security solution with consistent experiences across the board. Your workforce may be in any location, be it in the office, on the road, or working from home. The network security solutions being used by far too many are unnecessarily complex.

The time for change was yesterday, the opportunity for transformation is today. Artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI capabilities have advanced, and this means that today enterprises that embrace the transformation and adopt platformization can look across their infrastructure through a single pane of glass and deal with security incidents in near-real time to meet the challenges of today’s environment.

Today, criminal entities are able to mount their exploits quicker than ever before. Their ability to have their exploits work at machine speed, means that network security must also be working at machine speed. This puts tremendous pressure across your network’s security stack to identify, isolate and remediate incidents as they occur. Now we must measure resolution in minutes or seconds.

Threats have historically been analyzed in a siloed manner, where the exploit was taken into a protected environment (sandbox) and analyzed and a solution produced and distributed. Clearly not machine speed.

Clearly, there is a need for change, for leveraging the advances provided by AI which increases visibility, accelerates identification of threats. By sending user traffic through the network security infrastructure, the application of AI and Machine Learning (ML) on the traffic makes it possible to find the threats and to block them inline.

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